Online Therapy
California & Pennsylvania
In-Person Therapy DUPE.
The only place on earth you can be influenced to buy the latest trending whatever, swipe right OR left on another dumpster fire of a potential first date, find your perfect color analysis, diagnose your own medical ailments via chatgpt, Doordash your favorite restaurant for the third time this week even though you promised yourself you were going to cook tonight, connect with people all over the world dedicated to your uniquely specific niche, stay glued to a grainy livestream and clown for Reputation TV for the 1,300 time this year, laugh (or cry) at all the memes, feel BIG existential dread from the news, add a bunch of stuff to your cart that you know you’ll never check out,
AND spill all the tea at your weekly Therapy sessions.
Online therapy @ Big Mood Therapy is your safe space to process your overwhelming trauma, attachment anxiety, stress, burnout, religious abuse/deconstruction, and childhood emotional neglect without the commute or added, unnecessary barriers of in-person therapy.
We’ll meet for your Online Therapy sessions over a HIPAA secure and private virtual meeting space. From there, we’ll do all of the typical therapy healing-goodness-mental-wellness things as in-person therapy.
All you need is a good internet connection & private space to meet.
The best part? Research shows that there’s no real difference in your therapy outcomes when it comes to online therapy vs. in-person therapy - meaning your Online Therapy is JUST as effective as in-person therapy.
Even those top-tier trauma therapy treatments like EMDR Therapy.
It’s Not like regular therapy, it’s Cool therapy.
Why Online Therapy?
More on how I can help