Therapy Investment

 There are no shortcuts or easy cures in healing from Trauma, stress, & Anxiety.

Especially the prolonged, been-going-on-for-years, chronic type. It takes time to decompress, unpack, unload, & regulate. 

And it takes time to build that necessary solid foundation & bond with your Trauma Therapist - which is the most important part of your therapy because it’s going to give you better therapy outcomes & help you make lasting change.   

I’m not giving you a bandaid approach to healing, we’re working toward long term mental health & wellness. 

Trauma Therapy is the Best Investment & Gift you could ever give yourself.

The fee for therapy @Big Mood is $275 per session. Because therapy is most effective on a consistent basis, I meet with patients 1x weekly at a minimum.

At this time, I do not have any sliding scale appointments available.

Big Mood Therapy is an Out-of-Network therapy practice.

But don’t sleep on those Out-of-Network benefits, because you could be reimbursed for up to 60%-90% of your therapy sessions!

That’s right! You don’t have to be stuck with some in-network provider who doesn’t specialize in trauma, stress, or anxiety.

How does it work? At the end of the month, you’ll get a “Superbill.” Your Superbill contains all the info you need to submit to your PPO insurance company for reimbursement of your Trauma Therapy sessions.

Contact your insurance company to check out your mental health Out-of-Network benefits.

But let’s be real

Not everyone has access to specialized Trauma Therapy because of the unfair & unjust economic disparity in our society. So let’s go ahead and acknowledge that it shouldn’t be this way.

Everyone should have access to specialized mental health treatment, regardless of economic circumstance.

To top it off, it’s also really unfair that you have to pay for Your trauma therapy when you likely had very little control over the circumstances that warranted you needing treatment.

As a psychologist & Psychotherapy Patient myself, I see you.

I get it.

And I’m sorry getting help isn’t easier or more accessible.

I’m proud that you’re here anyway, Allocating your resources toward Healing & Growth. 

a Full mental health revamp won’t happen overnight, but your trauma treatment shouldn’t be put on the back burner.


So while you start your healing journey, Big mood will continue to work within the current mental healthcare system to advocate for increased access to Metnal healthcare services through higher reimbursEment rates for Patients and Clinicians.


We’ll continue to take steps behind the scenes to decolonize & Dismantal our current individualized and manualized mental healthcare system.


Because Self-improvement through therapy is great and all, but it’s toxic when it fails to account for the very real Trauma caused by forced disparity.